
Matt Orfalea
2 min readOct 14, 2019


I’ve already explained how I’m being wrongly accused of being “racist” for a decade old youtube video taken completely out of context.

Now let’s identify and address all the other nothing-burger clips that pathetic people are desperately trying to attack my character with.


It’s true. In my hundreds of older videos, I’ve uttered the word retarded a few times. I apologized for this but it’s now clear that I shouldn’t have. The Washington Post maliciously spun the apology as if I’d been talking “about” people with special needs.

I never said anything offensive “about” people with special needs. In fact, I live happily with my adult special needs younger brother. The Washington Post ignored my requests for a correction.


Likewise, in the same comedy video, I referred to the cliche use of clones in youtube videos as “gay”. I never sought to insult or offend anyone. For years I’ve proudly displayed an anonymous youtube comment declaring me “the gayest thing I have ever seen” at the top of my homepage. Everybody should be able to marry who they want to marry. Any conservative politician who doesn’t get that is just being gay.


I’m being called “sexist” for saying “I support a woman’s right to choose what to do with her own body” followed by “but I’m not ‘pro’ abortion — I’m amateur with abortion at best.”


Conspiracy theorist Louise Mensch has taken the bait, calling me a “misogynist” for putting “Hillary Clinton’s face onto an S&M model”, neglecting the fact I didn’t single out Hillary Clinton for being a woman. I also put Ted Cruz and Jeb Bush in the same style clothing. Warning: the autotune actually is offensive.

“Hillary = Trump”

The same twitter troll that revived my dumb old videos to get me off the Sanders campaign also lied that I made a video that “proclaims Hillary Clinton & Trump to be no different in 2016”. Even though, the video begins with Sure there are differences between Trump and Hillary” and ends with “Like I said in the beginning, sure there are differences, and if you’re in a swing state, you should probably go ahead and vote based on those differences.

Needless to say, I’m disappointed that the Sanders campaign felt so threatened by lying Twitter trolls. You’d think they’d be used to that by now.

This article has been updated to include this very important message.



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