Michigan Cops Can Legally Have Sex with Prostitutes During Investigations

Matt Orfalea
2 min readMar 5, 2017


video by Orf

Cops getting off scot-free is nothing new. But did you cops can get off for “getting off” with a prostitute? It’s true. At least in the state of Michigan. Michigan has a law that grants the police immunity from prosecution if they’ve had sex with a prostitute during an investigation.

Bridgette Carr, professor and director of the Human Trafficking Clinic at the University of Michigan Law School, is working with Rep. Gary Glenn, R-Midland, to draft a bill that would get rid of that exemption.

On Michigan radio she explained the unjust law enables “a potential for people to have sex with human trafficing victims who are in the commercial sex industry without any harm coming to them.”

Professor Bridgette Carr: The reason the law is structured the way it is is because of the way the prostitution laws are written. So for law enforcement to have any power to investigate with immunity, they got all the power. And no one thought to go back and carve out a prohibition against sexual intercourse.

Professor Carr has been trying to remove this loophole since she became aware of the law 2 years ago. It is now 2017, and this unjust law is still on the books. This is yet another sad example of cops living above the law.

In this case there may be a simple solution. Some say we should just legalize prostitution. What do you think?

Matt Orfalea makes videos on Youtube. You can also follow him here on Medium, Twitter, and Facebook. To help others see this post, please click the green heart below & support the author on Patreon!

